Our Current Projects

The Little Jackal

Our first feature, The Little Jackal, is in advanced development. Set in 1970s Dublin, it tells the story of a group of friends, all Jewish, who flee from the Holocaust to Ireland. Dealing with trauma, betrayal, forgiveness, atonement and integration, we see the friends resolve a haunting past with a compassionate present in their new lives in a warm and wider community.

Sisters  (working title)

Witch Hazel’s next feature film project is at the script development stage. It is a vivid exploration of the Irish Women’s Liberation Movement. Also set in the 1970s it is based on June Levine’s
autobiography “Sisters” and the personal testimony of many of the key figures of the
movement as they highlighted issues and formulated the ideas that would change a nation.

Photo by Amelia Stein

Mrs Delaney Investigates

Mrs Delaney, an elderly Irishwoman, is a psychic investigator who claims to be able to see the dead and communicate with them. Her pamphlet reads, “Resolve problems with hauntings, the banishment of evil spirits, and the expulsion of demons.” Along with her faithful ”Manager”, Mr Skipditch, our two extraordinary misfits look, on the face of it, to be con-artists preying on the distressed and bereaved. As the episodes unfurl, it becomes apparent that these two “chancers” are the only hope for their respectable clients to retain their sanity.

This is a 6-part TV series, with each new episode taking us through a psychic horror tale, where life and death are melded in terrifying ways, while relating the story of who MRS DELANEY and MISTER SKIPDITCH are and how they came to be together in this extraordinary alliance.

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